Michael Friedl, 7th Dan
Kahlil Johnson, 4th Dan
Mark Zwaggerman, 4th Dan
Tanya Berardini, 4th Dan
Venue: Aikido West, 3164 Bay Rd, Redwood City CA
Cost: $40 Full day / $25 Half day Cash/Check. Register at the door on Saturday morning.
Contact: Michael Friedl or 541-821-5852
Additional Information: Vaccinations are not required and masks are optional.
ZOOM will be available. The cost is $25 for all 4 classes or $10 per class. Preregister for zoom by sending an email to Michael Friedl and include your name and your dojo and how many classes you plan to attend. A Zoom link will be sent via email to you on Friday August 25th. You can pay for the Zoom classes via PayPal. Directions for using PayPal
Go to PayPal on your browser
Click on the tab “Personal” at the top
On pull down menu, click on send money in the 2nd row
Type in
Send $10 to this email address (Michael Friedl Sensei)