We are very aware of the financial hardship caused by COVID-19. Closing your dojo for an indefinite period of time is very stressful and challenging. Thus, the CAA is starting a relief fund for dojos that are struggling and may need some financial assistance.
APPLY: the application process to receive funds is quick and easy and you DO NOT have to repay the money received through this Fund. This financial assistance is only available to CAA dojos (in the US and abroad) **. If you are interested in financial assistance please click on this application link.
CONTRIBUTE: individuals, groups, and businesses may contribute to this Relief Fund, and the CAA will redistribute the money to CAA dojos in need of assistance. Interested parties or individuals can contribute any amount (large or small) either by using the PayPal button below
or by personal check. Please mail checks to:
Carla Garrett, CAA Bookkeeper
110 Collins Court
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Please be aware that the CAA is not a non-profit organization so your contribution is NOT tax deductible.
Get the word out to your students, family, and friends that this Relief Fund exists and will help Aikido dojos survive this COVID-19 pandemic and open their doors again.
Thank you in advance for your contribution and if you need financial assistance, we look forward to helping you. If you have any question, please contact Michael Friedl Sensei at 541/821-5852 or magimic@mind.net.
** The money received can be used for any business-related expense.
** The CAA will administer the distribution of funds from the account but will not receive any compensation for managing the account, nor will it oversee the usage of these funds by the recipients.