CAA MEETING – August 28th, 2016

September 1, 2016

1. Opening- Forrest Kan, President

Forrest Kan, President, opened the meeting. This is the 27th bi-annual meeting. He started the meeting with a breathing exercise to start the meeting in a centered state. He asked everyone to bear with the changes happening now.

Forrest asked the three Division Heads to comment on the purpose of the CAA.

2. Statement from Division Heads - purpose of the CAA

Pat Hendricks Sensei said that the many dojos making up the CAA meant we all could take a bit here and there. All trying to do the best we can, to tolerate each other’s differences and spread Aikido out into the greater community.

Michael Friedl Sensei said that our leadership should be a representation of community. It is important to do a lot more sharing and being open to new ideas, including how to grow, and being supportive of each other. Take O’Sensei’s teachings out into the community to create a cascade of involvement. Just living our Aikido will help bring young people into positions of leadership both within and outside our Aikido community.

Robert Nadeau Sensei had nothing to add to what was just said. “Very nice, thank you.”

Forrest Kan added a brief note. Cyndy Hayashi Sensei has stepped down after 34 years of service. She was unable to attend this meeting because of a family commitment. He hopes to be able to honor her service at the next meeting.

3. Administrative Report - Adrianne Wonnacott

From the CAA guidelines:

The Association is recognized as an official organization by the Zaidan Hojin Aikikai (the “Aikikai”) and communicates with it and other aikido organizations on behalf of its members. This official status enables the Association to obtain Dan rankings for its members.

Total Yudansha Promotions

Year        1 to 4th    5th and above

2012         137            10

2013         155             8

2014         141             19

2015         163             13

2016*        79            10

*not complete

Thanks to all of the dojos for sending in information to your Division Heads about the number of yudansha, assistant instructors, and instructors. We will update the guidelines so these lists will be easier to understand and create in the future. I have an example sheet with false information so you can see what the page looks like for the Aikikai.

Application forms are now available in an online format on CAA website. Division 1, please fill out forms and send to Pat Hendricks Sensei. Yudansha books (and checks) still need to be mailed to the CAA address: 2995 Woodside Rd Ste. 400, Woodside, CA 94062.

Michael Braden is creating a new version of the database. We are about to start testing features. Once this database is finished, Molly and Jeramy Hale will be processing ranks for the Association.

Kagami Biraki paperwork should be in as soon as possible, please have your Division head notify me about your application by September 15th.

Deadline for 5th Dan ranks and above is September 20th.

Carla Garrett is our new bookkeeper

New members welcomed. Total dojo count up to 120.

4. Financial report- Forrest Kan

Our Bank of America account is currently holding $25,811.98. The Pay Pal account holds $5,746.06. The total is $31,558.04.

5. CAA Webmaster report - Michael Smith

1.  The CAA website has been reworked, the site should now work on mobile devices.

2.  We will be adding Spotlight articles and Dan papers in the future. We will add the old articles from the older site and then proceed with new entries.

3.  Please submit information for the Events Calendar to

4.  Online applications forms are now available. Divisions 2 and 3 should submit applications using these forms. 

***Division 1 members, please submit applications directly to Hendricks Sensei.

5. Facebook page, please follow and like. This page serves as a public face to the world and a way to communicate with each other.

6. Announcement of New Members

    a) Division 2

        1. Merced Aikido-Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt 2nd dan

        2. Ukiah Aikido - Carol Marrington 3rd Dan

    c) Division 1 and 3 – None to report

7. Membership Announcements

Seminars announced and added to CAA website calendar

Michael Friedl Sensei shared the fundraising information for Two Cranes Dojo in Seattle.  He said,  “I want to encourage our CAA members to donate to the efforts Two Cranes Aikido is making toward the purchase of their building. I personally feel this is an incredible undertaking that will serve the Aikido Community in a very positive way.” 

To make a tax free contribution as an individual or as a dojo, go to

8. Announcement of the next meeting

February 26, 2017 @ Aikido ofSan Jose

9. Moment of silence

for Stephanie Gawboy of Mateel Aikido

10. Adjournment-Forrest Kan, President

Forrest shared a Hawaiian ritual, Ho’ Oponopono.

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Thank you all for attending.